Prolog Cookbook
Classic factorial function,
Fibonacci functions
Aggregate counting in SWI-Prolog,
function checks whether given person is liked by more than one person. In the definitionY
is existentionally qualified.References -
Higher order functions,
Checking whether a predicate exists -
Define contains based on append function,
Palindrome check in Prolog is quite nice,
In a restricted set, we can even use this declarative definition to generate palindromes, as in the following example!
Fizz buzz in Prolog,
```prolog print_fizz_buzz(N) :- ( 0 is mod(N, 15) -> write("fizzbuzz"),nl ; 0 is mod(N, 3) -> write("fizz"), nl ; 0 is mod(N, 5) -> write("buzz"), nl ; write(N), nl ).
fizz_buzz(N) :- aux_fizz_buzz(0, N). aux_fizz_buzz(M, N) :- M < N, print_fizz_buzz(M), M1 is (M + 1), aux_fizz_buzz(M1, N). aux_fizz_buzz(M, N) :- M >= N, !, nl.
In true Prolog fashion, one can find out all the operators which are curently definied using something like follows,
which will list all the opeartors with their respective precedence and type.
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